Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where I get sick and infect loved ones...

..but make a heroic effort to make them feel better.

Seeing as I've been sick on and off since September this final bout of illness was a knockout. I was/am really sick. I also got chris really sick when he was trying to take care of me. Therefore, I think I'm a leading authority on how to deal with sickness. They invited me to do a peice on it on Fox news, but I said, 'no, I don't feel well enough.'
When you are sick you NEED:
  1. Bubble Bath (the white hypo-allergenic Mr. Bubble kind)
  2. Crayola Bath colors
  3. Bath Salts
  4. Slippers, shaped like something uplifting
  5. Movies. Lots of movies.
  6. noodle foods (pad thai, mac and cheese, etc.)
  7. Sorbet, not ice cream
  8. a computer
  9. a kitten
  10. Pj pants
Note: Baths are VERY essential to being sick. I'd say light a candle beside them, but I won't because that's how main characters in Lifetime Movies relax. 
Also Note: You do NOT need a bra when you are sick.

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