Thursday, December 13, 2007

Anthony: Would you like a glass of Liebfraumilch?
Lesly: No thank you. I'll just have a glass of wine.
Marty: That's the name of the wine.
Lesly: Oh!
Lesly: I don't speak french.
Jackie-O: Who does?
Anthony: You do.
Jackie-O: Oh, that's right, I do.
Lesly: So what does that name mean?
Jackie-O: In french?
Lesly: Yes.
Jackie-O: I think it means something German.
Marty: It means, "loving mother's milk."
Lesly: You speak french?
Marty: No. German.
All of that was just a segueway to say Libefraumilch is the best wine I've pretty much ever had. 

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